Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Business ideas to start in winter

During winter many people suffer a lot especially the ones living in the rural areas. The reason being that means of generating money is a bit limited because it is cold, so today I decided to come up with a few ideas on how as an individual you can make money from low cash cost businesses or nothing at all. These ideas are divided into Low cost business and high costing businesses. Low cost business • Window cleaning • Snow clearing • Selling ground nuts. • Closet organizing • Snow ploughing • Selling wood • House cleaning • Selling oranges • Selling cookies and home scones • Selling sandwiches • Popped con High costing businesses • Selling heavy coats at affordable prices. Don't be expensive • Wool hats • Pest Fumigation • Buying and selling baby stuff • Photographer Window Cleaning
More often you will find that most of people’s home have dirty windows. You can start a business on cleaning windows in that cold weather. Kaith tells a story on how he built a business from window cleaning. Mr Kaith tells a story that he found himself so broke that he came up with an idea to wash windows for other people. At first, he says he woke up in the middle of the night and asked his friend to borrow him $1k so that he could survive the hard times he was facing. His friend told him, “hey man, you know that I love you so much. But I am not going to lend you money, I want to unleash that entrepreneurship beast inside of you.” He says he felt so alone and abandoned. You know when you have nothing to lose, you don’t care what people say, you make everything in your power to ensure that you survive. If you want to watch this video, please find it here. Snow clearing
Apparently snow clearing in other countries is a legitimate business. People who have money are just so lazy. For them to clear that snow in their compound is a work they won’t do. If you live in this kind of neighborhood, my friend this is the kind of business to grab with your own two hands. Take it and pursue it. Selling ground nuts
At first, I used to think that the nuts are very scarce to find, but lately I have seen that people are selling them. If you are a good cook, you could prepare them in your own secret recipe and distribute them house to house. Some people are selling them at the bus stops or at the roadside, and they don’t sleep on an empty stomach. It is up to you if you feel like you care about what other people are saying behind your back. You chose to hustle or to stuff, that is the formula I wish I knew back then. I would be very far in life had I got enough motivation. But that is not the point, the point is I am doing something about it now! Closet Organizing
When you read, you will discover some shocking things. I never thought in a million that closet organizing can be a business. But here we are, I stumbled upon it as I was doing my research for this article. In my country being Lesotho, I don’t think there is anyone who can allow a stranger into his or her home to do laundry folding. Hahah… that is so absurd! But if you live in a country where people do that, my friend, feel free to start a business on this. Apparently, this is a legitimate business idea. If you like to read, you will discover shocking things. Today is the shock of my life! Snow Ploughing The same thing applies to this one. How can you plough a snow! Some cultures or countries practice weird businesses. Anyway, you can do a little research on how to start a business on snow ploughing. I didn’t have enough time to do that research. As weird as it sounds, it is a business and it needs to be pursued. Selling wood
Many families have no means to make firewood. The reason being that wood may be scarce in the area in which they live in. But whatever the reason, we don’t care, we want to make a living out of selling wood. In winter that is when wood becomes a necessity if you don’t have a fireplace. In fact, even those who have fireplaces do need wood to start a fire in this freezing weather. If you are jobless but your family has wood, my friend dust yourself and go sell it. You will see that live can be better earning from something. House cleaning
I am so surprised to be fair, how can you own a home and not take care of it! People do astonishing things, but it is none of our business. Let us help them spend that money on us by cleaning those houses for them. If you can walk in your neighborhood and do house cleaning, you will go home having 100 or more. I don’t know which country you come from, so I won’t mention it. What matters is that, your children will have a meal at the end of the day. If you are afraid of being laughed at, my friend you haven’t struggled. That time has passed me to be fair. I do anything I think will work out for me. I do believe you too shall take a leaf out of my book and start a home business. Selling oranges
Winter is the perfect time for oranges to yield. This is a good business opportunity for you to pursue. Common colds and flue are mostly common during winter, therefore people eat oranges because of the vitamin C that is found in orange fruit. This means that you are not only selling, but you are also helping people to fight against common cold and influenza. Selling cookies and home-made scones
When you get to Maseru, being the capital the capital city of Lesotho, you will find many people selling cookies and home-made scones. Therefore, this shows that this is a booming business idea. Selling sandwiches It is cold in winter, you will find that people wake up late, and they don’t have time to eat breakfast. Make them sandwiches, go sell to them at affordable prices. I remember few weeks ago, there is this lady whom I met, she was selling sandwiches. But the price was so high that I bought out of pity. You don’t want people to buy out of pity, sell at affordable prices. Failing which, you will return home having sold nothing. Selling pop con This is one of the business ideas which are cheaper. It isn’t expensive to start this kind of business. If you will want to produce your popped con snacks using their stove, it will cost you. We want to minimize costs as possible. Take out your cooking pot and use it for preparing this snack. After preparing it, go sell it to people. Boom! That is the start of entrepreneurship. High cost businesses Selling heavy coats at affordable prices
I have already stated that in winter it gets cold. As a result, you will need to put on something heavy when you go out. What a good way to leverage this cold weather by selling heavy coats. But hey, hey, just because you are desperately in need of money, don’t be too expensive. If you sell at high prices, my friend you are going to chase away a lot of clientele. If clients go away, it means you are going to run a loss. Therefore, you will be stuck with bills unpaid, and we don’t want that. Selling wool hats If you got skills in crocheting hats, this skill would help you to make hats and make income from it. However, if you don’t have that skill, go buy them from the wholesale and sell them to people. But always remember, the lower the price, the faster the sales you make. So, don’t make a mistake of charging too high prices. Pest Fumigation I don’t really know why, but in some places, you will find that there are pests which bite while a person is sleeping or resting. You will see rush all over your body that the pests had taken control of your body while you were sleeping. To eradicate that, sell people pest medication or rather go door to door and tell people you are fumigating. The reason I put this business idea under high cost is that it is a bit costly. Buying and selling baby stuff I am not really show what this really means, but I do believe it means you buy baby stuff and sell them to other people. If you want to do this business idea, you will have to do some research on it. I didn’t have enough time to go deeper on it. Photography
This is one of the business ideas that fit all seasons of the year. Whether it is cold or warm, people do take pictures. If you have a camera, go around and take photographs and get paid. Recap Whoa, we finally reached the end of this article. We learnt that just because it is winter, we can’t be relaxing. We have bills to pay, if we don’t hustle, who is going to pay for them, I don’t want to hear stories of people getting kicked out of their apartment because they didn’t pay rent. Pursue one of the above-mentioned ideas and see if you cant survive even build a legitimate business. Until next time, ciao!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Decency is no more in Lesotho

When you take a look at Lesotho, known as "mountain kingdom" you may this looks like a beautiful, harmonious country. Not knowing the riots going about in the country.

Back in the old days, we knew that when you graduated from was easy to find a job. Corruption was not that much. But things have changed; today you go to school...then you just sit at home with your qualifications. It doesn't matter whether you obtained good grades, if you don't know someone in politics, you are so gonna sit at home. Oh my God where is this country heading with its corrupt system !

We see people who didn't even go far with their studies go to the embassies, some are being sent overseas for furthering their studies. What surprises me most is that...someone who under-performs can be granted a scholarship via political connection, leaving an intelligent person to struggle.

Oh government officials you are bringing this country down with your corruptionLet there be transparency in  All you do. Let there be fairness...what do you say about these jobless youth out there when you are busy lining your pockets with funds from investors.

I want to urge all countries which have invested in Lesotho to do a follow up in your investments or donations. Check how your hard earned money is being misused by corrupt government officials. We want fairness and transparency!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Call for investment

It has been a long time since I posted, I had been kind of busy. I want to talk about Lesotho's economy. Our country has a very poor economic development, not only is that, but even the unemployment rate is veeery high. Our country's funds don't accommodate all of Basotho especially the youth. Hence why I want to talk about a youth cooperative that is aimed at improving the lives of the youth financially.

Khafung Fresh Farm

Khafung Fresh Farm is a youth cooperative that is based in Berea district in Lesotho. The vision of this youth cooperative is to provide Khafung constituency with a consistent produce and therefore eradicating unemployment amongst the youth. This cooperative is going to produce fresh vegetables. So far the cooperative consists of  12-20 members. We have been doing a lot so far, including writing a business proposal for Bacha Entrepreneurship Project.

The reason I'm writing this article is because we are in need of the following materials in order to produce on a large scale.
  • We are in need of a water pressure pump
  • Water tank to store the water 
  • Pesticides and herbicides
What we have so far in our cooperative
  1. We have an installed irrigation system worthing M50,000. It is already installed on the farmland or field.
  2. We have people who will work in our project.

So far we have gone as far as contributing M50 for cultivation. So we are urging investors out there to please invest in our project. Either by buying buying a water pressure pump for us, or by investing money in our project. Shall you feel like investing, contact us here: or contact +266 56519869 or +266 68994141

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Christian fellowship and Romance

Dear readers, its Friday and I want to share with you some of my experience in this lifetime. Few years back my spirit got broken and somehow I was healed by the works of Jennifer L. Armstrong. Through her books, I found closure and managed to see life with a different perspective. Today I'll be reviewing one of her books; "A Good Man."

A Good Man is a Christian novel which is based on the story of a 27 years old Canadian lady named Maggie. She was from Toronto, she went to bible college where she studied theology. From there she graduated from a college where she obtained a degree as a librarian.

Maggie was a committed Christian since she was from the bible college. She had a boyfriend (Robbie) from her church in Toronto. Somehow along her love journey, some pretty girl (Sasha)showed up and took her boyfriend. This left Maggie wounded spiritually. She decided to go start a new life at Keswick. That is where she experienced struggles. She had no job, no food to eat..oh my my...things were tough. But somehow God provided everything to her, her neighbour (Douglas) who happened to be her crush as she got to know her. As we all can see in a picture,these two loved cats!

To cut the story short, she somehow found a cat with kittens in the house she just bought...and she was stressful as to what she would feed the mother cat and her kittens. But her neighbour( Douglas) came to her rescue, he provided food. He even invited her for dinner and that was a prayer answered since there was no food in Maggie's house. At her new church, she made friends with Emily who helped her get a job from the local library through Brad; a fellow church member of Emily who's a head librarian. He gave her a job and rescued her in her worst nightmare. Then her neighbour being Douglas was giving her a tough time. He was nice to her, helped her in anyway possible,they even shared lunch most of the time. But from her point of view, he wasn't a Christian even though she liked that much. That bothered her veeery much because she was attracted to him!

To find out more about this story, rrab yourself a copy of thus book from google or comment with your email I'll send it to you! Have a blessed weekend

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Desire, the root of success

It's been a while since I posted,today I want to talk about the road to success. If you can take a very good look at successful people in life, you will realise that most of those people have failed many times before they could succeed. So, this means that success is failure turned inside out. Therefore as a person, you should not stop  chasing your dreams due to one hicups or failure.

The story of a sent child

There's a story whereby a child was sent by her parent to ask for 10 bucks from a certain farmer. When this 8 years old child arrived at the farmer's place, the farmer told her "tell your mum I don't have that kind of money, go home." Then the farmer turned away to do his work. But the child didn't go back to her mum. The farmer pissed, and ready to scold her so hard...approached her...then the child too moved towards the farmer. The angry farmer asked her why she didn't leave. She looked at him in the eye and shouted " my mum has to have that 10 bucks!"

The farmer startled, he was surprised by the courage the child had. So he gave her her the money. As a result, this shows that we should never give up that easily no matter how hostile the environment or how bad the situation is. Let your desire to not quit!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lesotho's Education in Turmoil

Nine years ago, we had to sit for final examinations with an unfinished syllabus. The reason being there were too much sporting activities in my school that year. As a result, we had to wait for the ones who were participating in the sports; we were not taught! The time for examinations came, that's when fear struck most of the learners. We had to learn a certain topic in the science subject by ourselves as students! You can just imagine the pressure, the stress and the pain we experienced!

By the way, that's my high school experience. So...what I'm trying to say is...I think the final year students of 2019 are going to go through the same experience. Even though it won't be due to sports but due to TEACHERS STRIKE! Underline that! Yes, Lesotho is just one cursed country in terms of loyalty, honesty and accountability!

It's been a month now since the students had to go home because of the teachers riots! Imagine, as a student, you go to school for a week, then the following 3 weeks you stay at home, it goes on and on again! But on the other hand the parents are paying school fees! Where in the hell have you ever heard of such a waste of time for the students!

Why aren't teachers attending classes?

I'm sure as a reader, you are wondering why Lesotho teachers aren't attending classes. They had to strike due to several issues; they wanted 8% increase in their salaries which the government refused to give to them. They were fighting for many other reasonable issues! But all in all, the government of Lesotho is so selfish that I can't even compare it to anything on earth!  I am saying this because they refuse to give teachers what's due to them, yet here they are earning high wages and salaries, on top of that, they increased theirs (parliament members) even though some of them didn't even go as far as grade 12 or form E.

As a result of their selfishness, the students are suffering because teachers were striking about reasonable things. I will Say this again cursed are the Sotho nationals indeed to be led by such selfish government! Its alleged that this year the students are not going to sit for their final examinations, but I will investigate it then give you a full report my beautiful audience. Until next time, stay blessed!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Being an African graduate without a job

I still believe that most of the people consider Lesotho to be one of the most luckiest country. I mean so many disastrous things don't happen in Lesotho. But, today I want to let the world know how cursed we are as citizens of Lesotho. Especially the youths.

We all go to school, we get good grades, we go to college, and graduate. become a stay-at-home. There are no job openings for you as a graduate.

You try to start an online business,nobody wants to support you; people are more concerned about social media crap all over the country.

Just few days ago, I approached a businessman for a business deal, this person was so...rude and cold. You try selling products online..haaa..nobody will buy from you since all they do is buy from physical stores not online stores. The sad part is that, a small proportion will only read about your online business. In other countries, the moment you post something online, there is a large audience waiting to read whatever it is you write. 

So..being a Mosotho is much more like being cursed. Only the ones who follow political parties succeed. Only those who have connections succeed. I mean we worked hard and tirelessly in our academic years. We did good,but instead of being granted jobs, uh-uh that's not the case, the jobs would rather be awarded for the ones who didn't even go as far as grade 10. You get stuck 5 to 10 years unemployed.

Where is this country going? You try to apply for online jobs, there's a certain application fee requested,so because your country is veery poor, you can't even raise $20 because down here that little amount is equivalent to something like 250 ZAR or less. As a result, you get stuck. Indeed we are cursed to be living in this country! Or you don't agree? 

We reach so many dead ends, you try to apply for scholarships, some government officials decide to take it.for their relatives...haha...iyooh ...the list is endless. But all in all, being a Mosotho graduate is tough indeed. I don't know how many people out there who feel the same way i feel

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The reason why Lesotho does not improve


For those who haven’t heard of the country by the name of Lesotho, it is a southern African country which is landlocked in Republic of South Africa (RSA). When you look at our country, it is so poorly designed; the work environment is centralized. All good job opportunities are found in the city being Maseru. How do we expect our country to improve when only one place is crowded with job opportunities? I am just wondering.

Take a look how some of the roads in Lesotho are like

How can we improve our country’s economy?

For a long time now, I have been trying to digest how our lives as Basotho can improve. Today I’d like to share with the world my perception about this subject. And to my surprise, my imagination kind of surprised me to come up with such crazy ideas. So, our local businesses thrive from the market we get from those who earn something at the end of the month. Those being governmental workers, workers from various private sectors, workers from the firms, university students etc.

Game Plan

I have already stated above that our country’s economy is centralized. If the government were to decentralize the services to other districts or parts of the country, this country would go very far. This can be achieved by:

·         Decentralising the tertiary institutions- in Lesotho, it’s no joke that most of the tertiary institutions are based in Maseru. It’s only a few districts which have the opportunity of tertiary institutions. Students are one of the customers for hawkers, street vendors, and many other small businesses. So, if the tertiary institutions are just based in one place, this is a problem for business men and women in the rural areas.

Ø  When the tertiary institutions are being decentralized, there shall be construction of roads, improved water sanitations, even the hospitals and clinics can be built in the nearby places.

Ø  The infrastructure of electricity can reach to most of the rural villages.

Ø  Some supermarkets can be built, that will improve the lives of people who will live in those places.

Ø  More high schools and primary schools can be built

Let’s take a look at the state some of our schools are in. Our schools need to be improved good people; we can’t afford to be the laughing stock before the eyes of other nations.

If you like this article, please, don’t be shy to share it with your friends! See you in the next article.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

New year, new beginnings and new dreams and visions

Traffic statistics on my blog

Tribute to my audience

Hey fellas, it has come to my attention that most of my readers come from my own country; Lesotho. But this does not mean I don't recognise my other audience from various countries. Today I would like to give tribute to each and every member country and individual persons for dedicating their precious time to read whatever jagon I write on my blog. May God bless you all, may He let your pastures to be green. May he bless you this year for being supportive.

Time for a new turn

Last year mostst of the youths in Lesotho have been  struggling to get jobs. Most of us have graduated from various universities and colleges and institutions, but nothing seemed to be happening for them in terms of job creations. It's true that there are those of us who have not been fortunate enough to get jobs. This is why today I want to talk about "affiliate marketing". There are ways in which a person can make money online via affiliate marketing. You promote links on the certain site when people click on it, you earn a commission for providing traffic on their site too.

Do easy work

Let me stop blabbering and go straight to the point. There are sites like so easy here you can sign up or register then promote your links. Here register for free to earn $10 when you sign up. Then when your link is being clicked, you earn another $10. Let's hurry people to make a change in our lives. Please please people let's all try this system because its free, there are no charges associated with it.

Below is a picture showing my earnings from . I hope we shall take a step to make a change.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Rats rats rats every where

Just for laughs

You know what,I have had it fellas,I'm suffocating down here in Africa. Its been bloody four months of torment.. Have you ever experienced a moment whereby you are trying to grab a peaceful nap..then uh uh,just some little creatures decided to disturb you... If they were human,oh my my,I would sue their pants off...I would not take them to a local court but to a court marshal..

So here in Africa since we are farmers,we experience problems of fighting rats. You know what,these litle creatures are very creepy and annoying..during the night when you try to sleep, oh noo that's when they start making noise,trying to look for food..if they fail to get it. That's where they become,in fact,they act crazy like an insane person. They eat whatever they come across,whether its clothes,even that expensive Jean you bought yesterday. Oh they just chew it..if they encounter a bath soap,bingo..down their throat they swallow it.

So you get a picture of how senseless,and ruthless these little creatures are Like. Hmk..they can even go as far as eating your toes while in is the funny thing about try to poison them,they won't eat that poisoned food. Its as if they are saying," oh noo this one is trying to kill us,we never asked for food from him,so why the sudden care for food?" By that,they will ignore them,you install rat trap,you will catch two or three of them,then bingo...there won't be anymore rats to catch..
You light a light and wait for them,oh no they won't be anywhere to be seen. But 10 minutes after you switched the lights you will hear their rumbling in the back of the wardrobe. Just yesterday,they chewed my brother's headphones and cut them...oh noo guys,I am going to take them to court...
These are some of the funny stories that happen down here in African continent. After harvest during winter,that's when we start to be tormented by rats because they feast on the maize that has just been harvested. I hope you enjoy this one. Tune in for the next story..May God bless!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lesotho government has gone rogue..

Nowadays we see many shocking things, people dying because of dishonesty, people destroying other people's lives.. In many different forms. Today I want to talk about the government of Lesotho.

Our government has gone rogue. There are allegations that somehow salaries of the members of the parliament are going to increased. As a person, you wonder if these people are mad or just too blind. Salaries earned by the parliamentary members are already high, yet they want to increase them even more higher to M70 000 per month.

What surprises me is the fact that there are many unemployed youths in Lesotho, yet here we are hearing of stories where parliamentary members just want to raise their salaries.
I want to throw this question out there for anyone to answer; " what exactly is difficult to do in the parliament for people who earn more than 30k to want an increase in their salaries?"

Instead of giving a 100% salary increase to teachers and nurses or doctors and other hardworking people, a high increase is given to people who just don't do much. Teachers who teach people to read and write. People looking after our health,I am talking about doctors and nurses, instead of giving them a raise in their salaries, the raise is to be given to people who do nothing! Yes, people who do nothing because they promise the nation heaven and earth so that they can be in the parliament. After getting what they want, they fail to improve many rural areas, all what we get as the nation is empty promises! I am deadly disappointed in our government indeed!

Apart from the above mentioned issues, there's high unemployment rate in our country. There is nothing that is being done to reduce this high unemployment rate. Many relationships and relations have broken because as the youth, we have no jobs. We are struggling for survival but here we are, our government wants to raise the salaries of the members of the parliament. As an unemployed youth, I am very angry about this, how about you out there? Tell us what you think by commenting on this post.

From our team here at MJ Bulletins..ciao!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Love, the major source of pain that has spread throughout the world

Hey fellas,today I want to share with you my story in the love sphere. More often when we come from a weekend, some people are ever smiling; they are over the moon because of an awesome weekend they had. On the other side, some are so down, feeling depressed and feeling like the whole world has turned against them. I onced had such a feeling, hence why I want to share this story with the world as a way to motivate other people.

Love, a mysterious journey.

Few years back, I onced fell in love, I was feeling like the king of the world. I didn't agree to statements saying love can be a bitter fruit to taste. Like I said, things were going well, time went on,oh my God,something happened, my partner went to university, that's when everything started to change. At that time,I was in my last year at the university, and I was about to graduate. I don't know what went down in her mind, but somehow things started going wrong, as a loving partner, I tried reaching out to this make amendments wherever there was a dead end in our relationship. I want to tell you that when you are in love, oh my my, your eyes become so blind; even if somehow people can come to you to inform you about the bad things your partner is doing behind your back, it becomes difficult to believe. You only see things your way; you think these people are jealous.

Anyway, back  to my story, I will just cut to the chase. Things became worse that the relationship had to come to an end. I was in denial, I was hurt since I was deeply in love. You know...sometimes life can be are not gonna believe what happened after our break up. That's when people started to talk about how this person has been cheating behind my back. This destroyed me, while recalling how faithful I had been. I felt like my whole heart was being ripped out alive. But I kept quiet, even up to this day, I never asked her anything, I don't know anything before. The couple of months after the break up were the most difficult ones; everyday I was deeply in thoughts thinking why I was bring treated like that. My pillow was my most reliable  sort of comfort; my tears flew down my cheeks on to my pillow. This is hilarious indeed. But back then, it was a living hell. 

Then,I started to realise that its no use to cry over the spilt milk. So I want to share what I learned regarding the relationship which is about to reach its dead end. Below will be some points to take into consideration while measuring your relationship.

Signs of a broken relationship

  1. Does your partner neglect you? 
  2. Does your partner tells you she or he is too busy to make time for you?
  3. Does he or she takes a lot of time to respond or to reply to your messages? 
  4. Does he or she not respond when you say you love them? 
  5. Does your partner gives you boring answers while talking; answers like sure,yeah,cool,ta dah,sharp?
  6. Etc 
Hmk..quite a few signs but very straight to the point. The above signs tell that your relationship is in trouble if somehow they happen in your relationship. Sometimes our partners deceive us with excuses like " I am busy baby." Let me tell you something friend, nobody can be too busy to give you time if they really care about you. Let us stop being foolish to think a person can always be busy to see you. Not even once a month does your partner dedicades his or her time to see you! Uh-uh.. You should know that you are in trouble, better confront your  partner about this before it becomes too late.

Let's say you tried to talk your partner but with no avail. How do you overcome this heartbreak of losing your loved one? It is very painful to see the person you love leaves you hanging, yet you still love him or her. To overcome this melancholy do the following:

Overcoming a broken relationship

  • Take your time to not fall in love any time soon after the break up, you are not yet ready to give your heart to anyone.
  • Try not to always recall what you two used to do, if somehow the flashbacks come, try to do something that will enforce you to focus on what you are doing. For example, you can take the wheelbarrow to fetch water for watering the garden. Or you can take a jog.
  • Try not to always go back to your previous text messages, doing so will break your heart even more. 
  • Make sure that you are always around people so that you do not end up your mind idling, that will cause your mind to recall you have been dumped.
  • Do things you like, for me I love to sing, I always went for choir practice, I don't know about you, but try to do things that will make you rejoice.
  • Above all, put this before God. He will give you a breakthrough.
  • When you feel like now you are ready to move on, its then that you can delete the pictures of this person, and your previous conversations.
I do believe that this article will help you to deal with issues of any relationship break up. All of the information written in this article had been thoroughly tested by Mr Mokhethi- the author of this article. But all I can say is...Rome was not built in a day. This means you will have to work hard in order to get to a stage where you say " I am ready, now I can move on." I am saying this because frequently, your heart is  going to ache whenever you see a couple enjoying each other's company. You will have to be strong to overcome this. I thought I should share with you some of my experiences about life. What an awesome way to kick start a week; with a relationship advice...anyway, I hope whoever reads this post shall learn something. Ciao!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Self homicide horrifies Cana Village

Life is like a lie sometimes.

Just a few hours ago, in the morning, a horrible incident just happened; we all woke up and did our work just like any other day in Cana village. Little did we know that we would hear news of a person having killed himself. Iyooh this is too much!

I was about to write my update on the development of water sanitation that happened in the nearby village yesterday. Then booo..oom!!! There explodes horrific news that one of the guys we grew up with just hanged himself to death. Then, as a person you wonder as to what the hell is going on in this world for a person to kill himself!

Haiii...this is too much. At the moment, nobody knows exactly what happened for this to have happened, that is, why the guy hanged himself. The investigations are still pending, but this left the whole village shocked and saad! We never thought we would be hearing stories of people killing themselves. But this...takes up the cake..

Anyway,these are just the current bulletins that just happened in the morning today in a small village which is 12 km away from Teyateyaneng village.

Keep visiting this blog to find the latest news in local area. Ciao!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Recap of how rejection affects people in everyday life

Good morning,it is a very beautiful morning today. I just wanted to apologise for the inconvenience of not giving out the information about yesterday's event concerning improving the water sanitation at Ha-Phiri,the village is within the council of Phuthiatsana D05. Today I will give you a full report on that. I came back veery worked out yesterday that I couldn't even do anything.

What I wanted to say is..I want to thank each and everyone who has been sacrificing their quality time to read whatever I post on this little blog of mine. I do believe you are busy but you still manage to dedicate a few minutes into reading my posts. For that,I'm honoured. In fact, this inspires me to even go on and on and on,writing about whatever that can always draw back more readers and viewers to my blog.

It seems that amongst my posts, REJECTION- being the poem I wrote as a result of what I went through in this long journey called life,has made quite an impression. It's  gained a lot of views from different regions. This got me seems that out there,the power of money,ssuccess and many other things changed people we never thought would change. So I would like to hear your story please! How is life treating you out there? People you used to call friends,colleagues, are they still perceiving you the way they used to?
Haven't they changed as soon as they became successful? How is this affecting you? I wanna hear those stories.

From me,Marenyane,see you when I give you an update on the development made by the government,in the mean time let's hear what you have to say about "rejection."

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Lesotho government provide water taps in the rural areas

I greet you all bloggers,today I am going to share with you how the government of Lesotho is trying to eradicate lack of water facilities in the rural area. Today they will be starting such a development. Tune in for more information later today. Ciao!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Unemployment, the destruction of dreams

Hey everyone, Marenyane right here.
The few past years made me realise something about life. It made me realise that life is not a walk in the park; you cannot get everything as easy as taking a candy from a baby. Today I want to talk about unemployment.

African continent has been facing a major problem of unemployment. This is mostly problematic amongst the youth generation. Yes,the youth,the leaders of tomorrow. As a person,you wonder how tomorrow will be like,I'm saying this because many people had let go off their dreams simply because unemployment has just blocked the way through to  their dreams.

Some of us dreamt to be the presidents in their own countries, but how cud they be presidents without enough resources to help them get to a stage where they can let people know they are campaigning for elections!  Its quite a very tricky nut to crack.

How do we defeat unemployment?
I say,let's not back down people,. We can't give up on our dreams simply because we can't find jobs. Out there,there is enough land for us to earn a living from. We can be farmers,then specialise on livestock production or crop production. Let's not let our struggle to block our breakthrough. I know most of us,the young generation have given up,but we still have a long way to go. Let us just use our heads,survival isn't based on a person getting a job. But simply from how much you can use your head to think of possible things you can do to overcome poverty.

You wanna know how to survive even under the stress of unemployment, comment below,I'll get back at you. See you next time