Friday, March 22, 2019

Being an African graduate without a job

I still believe that most of the people consider Lesotho to be one of the most luckiest country. I mean so many disastrous things don't happen in Lesotho. But, today I want to let the world know how cursed we are as citizens of Lesotho. Especially the youths.

We all go to school, we get good grades, we go to college, and graduate. become a stay-at-home. There are no job openings for you as a graduate.

You try to start an online business,nobody wants to support you; people are more concerned about social media crap all over the country.

Just few days ago, I approached a businessman for a business deal, this person was so...rude and cold. You try selling products online..haaa..nobody will buy from you since all they do is buy from physical stores not online stores. The sad part is that, a small proportion will only read about your online business. In other countries, the moment you post something online, there is a large audience waiting to read whatever it is you write. 

So..being a Mosotho is much more like being cursed. Only the ones who follow political parties succeed. Only those who have connections succeed. I mean we worked hard and tirelessly in our academic years. We did good,but instead of being granted jobs, uh-uh that's not the case, the jobs would rather be awarded for the ones who didn't even go as far as grade 10. You get stuck 5 to 10 years unemployed.

Where is this country going? You try to apply for online jobs, there's a certain application fee requested,so because your country is veery poor, you can't even raise $20 because down here that little amount is equivalent to something like 250 ZAR or less. As a result, you get stuck. Indeed we are cursed to be living in this country! Or you don't agree? 

We reach so many dead ends, you try to apply for scholarships, some government officials decide to take it.for their relatives...haha...iyooh ...the list is endless. But all in all, being a Mosotho graduate is tough indeed. I don't know how many people out there who feel the same way i feel

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