Thursday, September 5, 2019

Decency is no more in Lesotho

When you take a look at Lesotho, known as "mountain kingdom" you may this looks like a beautiful, harmonious country. Not knowing the riots going about in the country.

Back in the old days, we knew that when you graduated from was easy to find a job. Corruption was not that much. But things have changed; today you go to school...then you just sit at home with your qualifications. It doesn't matter whether you obtained good grades, if you don't know someone in politics, you are so gonna sit at home. Oh my God where is this country heading with its corrupt system !

We see people who didn't even go far with their studies go to the embassies, some are being sent overseas for furthering their studies. What surprises me most is that...someone who under-performs can be granted a scholarship via political connection, leaving an intelligent person to struggle.

Oh government officials you are bringing this country down with your corruptionLet there be transparency in  All you do. Let there be fairness...what do you say about these jobless youth out there when you are busy lining your pockets with funds from investors.

I want to urge all countries which have invested in Lesotho to do a follow up in your investments or donations. Check how your hard earned money is being misused by corrupt government officials. We want fairness and transparency!

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