Thursday, May 20, 2021

Business ideas to start in winter

During winter many people suffer a lot especially the ones living in the rural areas. The reason being that means of generating money is a bit limited because it is cold, so today I decided to come up with a few ideas on how as an individual you can make money from low cash cost businesses or nothing at all. These ideas are divided into Low cost business and high costing businesses. Low cost business • Window cleaning • Snow clearing • Selling ground nuts. • Closet organizing • Snow ploughing • Selling wood • House cleaning • Selling oranges • Selling cookies and home scones • Selling sandwiches • Popped con High costing businesses • Selling heavy coats at affordable prices. Don't be expensive • Wool hats • Pest Fumigation • Buying and selling baby stuff • Photographer Window Cleaning
More often you will find that most of people’s home have dirty windows. You can start a business on cleaning windows in that cold weather. Kaith tells a story on how he built a business from window cleaning. Mr Kaith tells a story that he found himself so broke that he came up with an idea to wash windows for other people. At first, he says he woke up in the middle of the night and asked his friend to borrow him $1k so that he could survive the hard times he was facing. His friend told him, “hey man, you know that I love you so much. But I am not going to lend you money, I want to unleash that entrepreneurship beast inside of you.” He says he felt so alone and abandoned. You know when you have nothing to lose, you don’t care what people say, you make everything in your power to ensure that you survive. If you want to watch this video, please find it here. Snow clearing
Apparently snow clearing in other countries is a legitimate business. People who have money are just so lazy. For them to clear that snow in their compound is a work they won’t do. If you live in this kind of neighborhood, my friend this is the kind of business to grab with your own two hands. Take it and pursue it. Selling ground nuts
At first, I used to think that the nuts are very scarce to find, but lately I have seen that people are selling them. If you are a good cook, you could prepare them in your own secret recipe and distribute them house to house. Some people are selling them at the bus stops or at the roadside, and they don’t sleep on an empty stomach. It is up to you if you feel like you care about what other people are saying behind your back. You chose to hustle or to stuff, that is the formula I wish I knew back then. I would be very far in life had I got enough motivation. But that is not the point, the point is I am doing something about it now! Closet Organizing
When you read, you will discover some shocking things. I never thought in a million that closet organizing can be a business. But here we are, I stumbled upon it as I was doing my research for this article. In my country being Lesotho, I don’t think there is anyone who can allow a stranger into his or her home to do laundry folding. Hahah… that is so absurd! But if you live in a country where people do that, my friend, feel free to start a business on this. Apparently, this is a legitimate business idea. If you like to read, you will discover shocking things. Today is the shock of my life! Snow Ploughing The same thing applies to this one. How can you plough a snow! Some cultures or countries practice weird businesses. Anyway, you can do a little research on how to start a business on snow ploughing. I didn’t have enough time to do that research. As weird as it sounds, it is a business and it needs to be pursued. Selling wood
Many families have no means to make firewood. The reason being that wood may be scarce in the area in which they live in. But whatever the reason, we don’t care, we want to make a living out of selling wood. In winter that is when wood becomes a necessity if you don’t have a fireplace. In fact, even those who have fireplaces do need wood to start a fire in this freezing weather. If you are jobless but your family has wood, my friend dust yourself and go sell it. You will see that live can be better earning from something. House cleaning
I am so surprised to be fair, how can you own a home and not take care of it! People do astonishing things, but it is none of our business. Let us help them spend that money on us by cleaning those houses for them. If you can walk in your neighborhood and do house cleaning, you will go home having 100 or more. I don’t know which country you come from, so I won’t mention it. What matters is that, your children will have a meal at the end of the day. If you are afraid of being laughed at, my friend you haven’t struggled. That time has passed me to be fair. I do anything I think will work out for me. I do believe you too shall take a leaf out of my book and start a home business. Selling oranges
Winter is the perfect time for oranges to yield. This is a good business opportunity for you to pursue. Common colds and flue are mostly common during winter, therefore people eat oranges because of the vitamin C that is found in orange fruit. This means that you are not only selling, but you are also helping people to fight against common cold and influenza. Selling cookies and home-made scones
When you get to Maseru, being the capital the capital city of Lesotho, you will find many people selling cookies and home-made scones. Therefore, this shows that this is a booming business idea. Selling sandwiches It is cold in winter, you will find that people wake up late, and they don’t have time to eat breakfast. Make them sandwiches, go sell to them at affordable prices. I remember few weeks ago, there is this lady whom I met, she was selling sandwiches. But the price was so high that I bought out of pity. You don’t want people to buy out of pity, sell at affordable prices. Failing which, you will return home having sold nothing. Selling pop con This is one of the business ideas which are cheaper. It isn’t expensive to start this kind of business. If you will want to produce your popped con snacks using their stove, it will cost you. We want to minimize costs as possible. Take out your cooking pot and use it for preparing this snack. After preparing it, go sell it to people. Boom! That is the start of entrepreneurship. High cost businesses Selling heavy coats at affordable prices
I have already stated that in winter it gets cold. As a result, you will need to put on something heavy when you go out. What a good way to leverage this cold weather by selling heavy coats. But hey, hey, just because you are desperately in need of money, don’t be too expensive. If you sell at high prices, my friend you are going to chase away a lot of clientele. If clients go away, it means you are going to run a loss. Therefore, you will be stuck with bills unpaid, and we don’t want that. Selling wool hats If you got skills in crocheting hats, this skill would help you to make hats and make income from it. However, if you don’t have that skill, go buy them from the wholesale and sell them to people. But always remember, the lower the price, the faster the sales you make. So, don’t make a mistake of charging too high prices. Pest Fumigation I don’t really know why, but in some places, you will find that there are pests which bite while a person is sleeping or resting. You will see rush all over your body that the pests had taken control of your body while you were sleeping. To eradicate that, sell people pest medication or rather go door to door and tell people you are fumigating. The reason I put this business idea under high cost is that it is a bit costly. Buying and selling baby stuff I am not really show what this really means, but I do believe it means you buy baby stuff and sell them to other people. If you want to do this business idea, you will have to do some research on it. I didn’t have enough time to go deeper on it. Photography
This is one of the business ideas that fit all seasons of the year. Whether it is cold or warm, people do take pictures. If you have a camera, go around and take photographs and get paid. Recap Whoa, we finally reached the end of this article. We learnt that just because it is winter, we can’t be relaxing. We have bills to pay, if we don’t hustle, who is going to pay for them, I don’t want to hear stories of people getting kicked out of their apartment because they didn’t pay rent. Pursue one of the above-mentioned ideas and see if you cant survive even build a legitimate business. Until next time, ciao!

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