Friday, November 16, 2018

Self homicide horrifies Cana Village

Life is like a lie sometimes.

Just a few hours ago, in the morning, a horrible incident just happened; we all woke up and did our work just like any other day in Cana village. Little did we know that we would hear news of a person having killed himself. Iyooh this is too much!

I was about to write my update on the development of water sanitation that happened in the nearby village yesterday. Then booo..oom!!! There explodes horrific news that one of the guys we grew up with just hanged himself to death. Then, as a person you wonder as to what the hell is going on in this world for a person to kill himself!

Haiii...this is too much. At the moment, nobody knows exactly what happened for this to have happened, that is, why the guy hanged himself. The investigations are still pending, but this left the whole village shocked and saad! We never thought we would be hearing stories of people killing themselves. But this...takes up the cake..

Anyway,these are just the current bulletins that just happened in the morning today in a small village which is 12 km away from Teyateyaneng village.

Keep visiting this blog to find the latest news in local area. Ciao!

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