Saturday, April 13, 2019

Desire, the root of success

It's been a while since I posted,today I want to talk about the road to success. If you can take a very good look at successful people in life, you will realise that most of those people have failed many times before they could succeed. So, this means that success is failure turned inside out. Therefore as a person, you should not stop  chasing your dreams due to one hicups or failure.

The story of a sent child

There's a story whereby a child was sent by her parent to ask for 10 bucks from a certain farmer. When this 8 years old child arrived at the farmer's place, the farmer told her "tell your mum I don't have that kind of money, go home." Then the farmer turned away to do his work. But the child didn't go back to her mum. The farmer pissed, and ready to scold her so hard...approached her...then the child too moved towards the farmer. The angry farmer asked her why she didn't leave. She looked at him in the eye and shouted " my mum has to have that 10 bucks!"

The farmer startled, he was surprised by the courage the child had. So he gave her her the money. As a result, this shows that we should never give up that easily no matter how hostile the environment or how bad the situation is. Let your desire to not quit!

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