Sunday, January 6, 2019

New year, new beginnings and new dreams and visions

Traffic statistics on my blog

Tribute to my audience

Hey fellas, it has come to my attention that most of my readers come from my own country; Lesotho. But this does not mean I don't recognise my other audience from various countries. Today I would like to give tribute to each and every member country and individual persons for dedicating their precious time to read whatever jagon I write on my blog. May God bless you all, may He let your pastures to be green. May he bless you this year for being supportive.

Time for a new turn

Last year mostst of the youths in Lesotho have been  struggling to get jobs. Most of us have graduated from various universities and colleges and institutions, but nothing seemed to be happening for them in terms of job creations. It's true that there are those of us who have not been fortunate enough to get jobs. This is why today I want to talk about "affiliate marketing". There are ways in which a person can make money online via affiliate marketing. You promote links on the certain site when people click on it, you earn a commission for providing traffic on their site too.

Do easy work

Let me stop blabbering and go straight to the point. There are sites like so easy here you can sign up or register then promote your links. Here register for free to earn $10 when you sign up. Then when your link is being clicked, you earn another $10. Let's hurry people to make a change in our lives. Please please people let's all try this system because its free, there are no charges associated with it.

Below is a picture showing my earnings from . I hope we shall take a step to make a change.

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