Thursday, February 7, 2019

The reason why Lesotho does not improve


For those who haven’t heard of the country by the name of Lesotho, it is a southern African country which is landlocked in Republic of South Africa (RSA). When you look at our country, it is so poorly designed; the work environment is centralized. All good job opportunities are found in the city being Maseru. How do we expect our country to improve when only one place is crowded with job opportunities? I am just wondering.

Take a look how some of the roads in Lesotho are like

How can we improve our country’s economy?

For a long time now, I have been trying to digest how our lives as Basotho can improve. Today I’d like to share with the world my perception about this subject. And to my surprise, my imagination kind of surprised me to come up with such crazy ideas. So, our local businesses thrive from the market we get from those who earn something at the end of the month. Those being governmental workers, workers from various private sectors, workers from the firms, university students etc.

Game Plan

I have already stated above that our country’s economy is centralized. If the government were to decentralize the services to other districts or parts of the country, this country would go very far. This can be achieved by:

·         Decentralising the tertiary institutions- in Lesotho, it’s no joke that most of the tertiary institutions are based in Maseru. It’s only a few districts which have the opportunity of tertiary institutions. Students are one of the customers for hawkers, street vendors, and many other small businesses. So, if the tertiary institutions are just based in one place, this is a problem for business men and women in the rural areas.

Ø  When the tertiary institutions are being decentralized, there shall be construction of roads, improved water sanitations, even the hospitals and clinics can be built in the nearby places.

Ø  The infrastructure of electricity can reach to most of the rural villages.

Ø  Some supermarkets can be built, that will improve the lives of people who will live in those places.

Ø  More high schools and primary schools can be built

Let’s take a look at the state some of our schools are in. Our schools need to be improved good people; we can’t afford to be the laughing stock before the eyes of other nations.

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