Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Love, the major source of pain that has spread throughout the world

Hey fellas,today I want to share with you my story in the love sphere. More often when we come from a weekend, some people are ever smiling; they are over the moon because of an awesome weekend they had. On the other side, some are so down, feeling depressed and feeling like the whole world has turned against them. I onced had such a feeling, hence why I want to share this story with the world as a way to motivate other people.

Love, a mysterious journey.

Few years back, I onced fell in love, I was feeling like the king of the world. I didn't agree to statements saying love can be a bitter fruit to taste. Like I said, things were going well, then...as time went on,oh my God,something happened, my partner went to university, that's when everything started to change. At that time,I was in my last year at the university, and I was about to graduate. I don't know what went down in her mind, but somehow things started going wrong, as a loving partner, I tried reaching out to this person..to make amendments wherever there was a dead end in our relationship. I want to tell you that when you are in love, oh my my, your eyes become so blind; even if somehow people can come to you to inform you about the bad things your partner is doing behind your back, it becomes difficult to believe. You only see things your way; you think these people are jealous.

Anyway, back  to my story, I will just cut to the chase. Things became worse that the relationship had to come to an end. I was in denial, I was hurt since I was deeply in love. You know...sometimes life can be hell..you are not gonna believe what happened after our break up. That's when people started to talk about how this person has been cheating behind my back. This destroyed me, while recalling how faithful I had been. I felt like my whole heart was being ripped out alive. But I kept quiet, even up to this day, I never asked her anything, I don't know anything before. The couple of months after the break up were the most difficult ones; everyday I was deeply in thoughts thinking why I was bring treated like that. My pillow was my most reliable  sort of comfort; my tears flew down my cheeks on to my pillow. This is hilarious indeed. But back then, it was a living hell. 

Then,I started to realise that its no use to cry over the spilt milk. So I want to share what I learned regarding the relationship which is about to reach its dead end. Below will be some points to take into consideration while measuring your relationship.

Signs of a broken relationship

  1. Does your partner neglect you? 
  2. Does your partner tells you she or he is too busy to make time for you?
  3. Does he or she takes a lot of time to respond or to reply to your messages? 
  4. Does he or she not respond when you say you love them? 
  5. Does your partner gives you boring answers while talking; answers like sure,yeah,cool,ta dah,sharp?
  6. Etc 
Hmk..quite a few signs but very straight to the point. The above signs tell that your relationship is in trouble if somehow they happen in your relationship. Sometimes our partners deceive us with excuses like " I am busy baby." Let me tell you something friend, nobody can be too busy to give you time if they really care about you. Let us stop being foolish to think a person can always be busy to see you. Not even once a month does your partner dedicades his or her time to see you! Uh-uh.. You should know that you are in trouble, better confront your  partner about this before it becomes too late.

Let's say you tried to talk your partner but with no avail. How do you overcome this heartbreak of losing your loved one? It is very painful to see the person you love leaves you hanging, yet you still love him or her. To overcome this melancholy do the following:

Overcoming a broken relationship

  • Take your time to not fall in love any time soon after the break up, you are not yet ready to give your heart to anyone.
  • Try not to always recall what you two used to do, if somehow the flashbacks come, try to do something that will enforce you to focus on what you are doing. For example, you can take the wheelbarrow to fetch water for watering the garden. Or you can take a jog.
  • Try not to always go back to your previous text messages, doing so will break your heart even more. 
  • Make sure that you are always around people so that you do not end up your mind idling, that will cause your mind to recall you have been dumped.
  • Do things you like, for me I love to sing, I always went for choir practice, I don't know about you, but try to do things that will make you rejoice.
  • Above all, put this before God. He will give you a breakthrough.
  • When you feel like now you are ready to move on, its then that you can delete the pictures of this person, and your previous conversations.
I do believe that this article will help you to deal with issues of any relationship break up. All of the information written in this article had been thoroughly tested by Mr Mokhethi- the author of this article. But all I can say is...Rome was not built in a day. This means you will have to work hard in order to get to a stage where you say " I am ready, now I can move on." I am saying this because frequently, your heart is  going to ache whenever you see a couple enjoying each other's company. You will have to be strong to overcome this. I thought I should share with you some of my experiences about life. What an awesome way to kick start a week; with a relationship advice...anyway, I hope whoever reads this post shall learn something. Ciao!

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