Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019


A word so small in length,
Yet so great in context.
A word shedding light
In the mindset of a human being.
How great is you promise!

A word signifying hope.
Hope for a better tomorrow.
Hope for a better lifestyle,
And or a better or diffused situation
Which was unfriendly.

A word signifying inspiration.
A word of great value.

A major cause of destruction;
A destruction of peace!
A destruction of relations!
A destruction of reputations!

       In you promise,
Lies deceit, betrayal and torment.
   Through you promise,
    Yes you, “a word of hope.”
People disguise their true colors.
     People break hearts
Yet they vowed to do something.
    Thus causing pain!

     Behind your context
Lies great suffering and pain.
A two ‘sided-rat’ kind of a word!
       Through you promise,
Our hopes are being raised for nothing!
Our hopes are being raised for what?

That sensation of joy and happiness,
Filled in our hearts,
After hearing ‘a promise’ word,
Turns into a terrible nightmare.
The moment a promise is fulfilled not!

The cause of mental breakdown.
An emotional oppressor
 Of a word you are!
A peace destroyer!

How can such a great and sweet
    Word like you promise,
Be the reason people kill each other?
Yes, be the cause of most the fights
That have spread through out
          This world?

Why in you lies so much pain and torment?
 Why do people ruin the beautiful
      Context in you?
Why misuse the power that lies
Behind you word of hope?
    Oh you poor word;
For your beautiful meaning
     Has been tainted
By the wicket ways of humankind.

May your great context reign,
    Over destruction
That has been done to you!
    Oh you word of hope.
Promise! Promise! Promise!

*******the end*******

Poem by Marenyane Mokhethi
Copyrights 21 August 2018
 Territory: Cana

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Desires of My Heart

Often times,we see many people experiencing mental breakdown due to whatever challenges they stumble upon in life. So with this poem, I would like to make them aware that,they are not the only ones who go through such harsh circumstances. I hope it will touch many people who will read it.

The desires of my heart

Do unto others as you wish
They do unto you.
Thus runs an old adage.
That was and still
The desire of my heart.

My heart longed for peace,
Harmony and stability.
But all I received was disappointment.
I longed for love.
Lots of love I showered unto others.
Yet betrayal I received as my prize.
How unfair this world can be.

My soul thirst for righteousness;
Way back, decades ago,
Did I start my journey.
A journey of living an exemplary life.
A life where one cares for others.
A life where one helps others.
A life where a person shows
Compassion unto others.
Those were the desires of my heart!

In my to do-list, compassion, love, care and
Honesty were my aims.
Back in my mind,
A song of compassion would come
Out of my mouth,
Whenever my lips parted,
Voicing out my meditations.

But today, here I am,
Fighting a losing battle;
My mind playing tricks on me,
"All your good intentions,
Your awesome desires,
All carried out.
Yet no progress of tangible fruits
From your hard labour of months


Perplexed, and worried,
I ask myself
Shouldn't our good desired
Which have been carried out
Bring us a good luck?
For an adage runs thus
Do unto others as you wish
They do unto you!

The desires of my heart
Seem to be diminishing,
Due to the hatred, jealousy,
Rejection and agony
Of this world.

Oh Lord, let my good desires
To flow just like the spring water!
Let them conquer any challenge.
For good desires can change
A world into a better place.
For my spirit longs to see
Action plan of the the desires of my heart.
Since the heart wants what it desires for...!!!

By Marenyane Mokhethi
Copyrights 21 November 2018
At Cana

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Love,an ice cream

Hold up your horses,
And listen to the words of love
Love is a palatable ice cream
We people want to taste.
An ice cream that makes our lives better.
An ice cream that makes life a more worthwhile!

We feel not dispirited while in love.
A delectable ice cream of which when we have grabbed,
Wish could not get finished.
But miserably melts and starts to slip through our fingers,
 as we begin to have conflicts!

An ice cream which refreshes a person when tasting it.
An amazing thing ever,
Of which we wish could be everlasting!

Blessed Sunday brethens, I hope you enjoy this little poem

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


What an awful way to say
“You’re meaningless to me!”
That you don’t matter to me!

What a poetic word.
How melodic is your pronunciation,
Yet pain and suffering lie in you
Melodic word!

In dire straits,
I sought for you friend.
 But you denied me.
You looked down on me.
In a way that says
“How can I relate to a filthy
Person like you? ”

That my fried,
Hurt like hell.
While recalling how good I had been
Towards you!
Tons of messages I sent you,
So many times.
Yet I haven’t got your response.

Because of you,
My confidence is gone.
Each time I was denied,
Each day I got mocked,
Time and again,
Feeling all alone.
My self-esteem was slowly
Fading away!
Leaving me helpless.
Feeling like the whole world
Has turned against me.
That’s how you make me feel rejection.

Family had I called you to be,
Friend had I imagined you to be,
A colleague had I thought you to be.
Not knowing you would
Turn your back on me.
In time of need,
You became a hater,
A rejecter!

‘Crazy’ I would have called,
Anyone saying you’d be a hater.
But I know better now.
That a world is full of haters.
That success  changes people;
They become haters and rejecters.
For rejection rules a heart
Of a hypocrite.

How sore my heart aches.
For you rejected me.
For you showed me
Your true colors;
Rejection runs in your veins.
That you are not worthy to be trusted.
That power of success and money
Turned you into a rejecter.
Oh my friend,
Stay with your rejection!
For my life journey is still long
Ahead of me.
For you denied me and rejected me.

******the end*****

By Marenyane Mokhethi
Copyrights 31 August 2018
At Cana


This is a true life story based poem

Down through these years,
In the journey of life,
Heading west;
Following my dream,
The desires of my heart.
I find myself
Going through circles,
I cannot find my way!
OH, my Lord Jesus Christ,
Give me
A breakthrough in
My torment!

Day in and out, wondering,
   When my time will come?
Bit by bit, slowly,
Weakness sinking in my soul,
         Down casting my spirit,
Powerless, slowly, down on my knees I go!

OH, my Lord Jesus Christ, 
   Give me 
 A breakthrough in 
  My torment!

Evening comes,
    Outside I go,
Looking at the firmament,
    Staring at the stars
Trying to understand
      The mystery of creation!

     During the night,
   Confiding in my pillow;
Tears flowing down my cheeks
          In rivers streams,
Feeling like my whole heart is being ripped
        Out of my chest alive.
            Up the sky I look!
     Down on my knees;
My hands held tied together;
  Please show me the way,
   Give me a breakthrough,

By Marenyane Mokhethi
Copyrights 2016 March 10th 2016
Territorial composition: Peka


Fly, fly away my love,
Fly away from the agony of this world.
Fly away from the hatred, the gossips,
Conflicts and the fights of this world.
Fly away to a far place.
A place surrounded by the sound of silence;

Fly, fly away my love,
Form this place,
A place where siblings are at loggerheads!
Fly away my love,
From this place.
A place where relatives aren’t seeing eye to eye.

Fly away, from this territory.
Territory where neighbors let their egos to blind them,
To hinder them to let bygones be bygones.
Fly away from this toxic land.
Just…… fly away.

Fly away.
But not like a butterfly,
Fly like an eagle; target a destination
With special features.
A destination of peace,
A destination so warm, and so quiet.
Fly away.

Rather live alone,
Than where there’s shortage of peace!
Rather listen to wild birds tune.
Than to tune a radio situated in an intoxicated
Just go search for peace.
Peace that enlighten your face.

Rather go watch waves of the oceans,
Swinging back and forth,
At the beach.
Instead of being stuck in this place of misery.
Just fly away my love.
Fly, fly, and fly away!
By Marenyane Mokhethi copyrights 18th November 2017


As the last sunrays
Say goodbye,
To the world.
Giving yet another chance,
For the stars and moon,
To take charge
To give light to the world.


Insanely I think,
“Only if it were possible,
To ridiculously
Rewind time universe.
In the imagination sphere!”

That beautiful, glamorous
Sunrise onset.
In the warm, rainy summer season.
The morning breeze of the warm,
African sky, a humid sky!

I would rewind time universe.
Just to have that beautiful scenery;
The morning mist hovering
On the mountain peaks.
Just a few miles,
Above the river banks!
All this beauty,
Triggers my mind to ridicule;
To wish the sun
Should never set!

Looking down, and around,
In the nearby environment and surroundings.
All over the place,
All I see…..
The shimmering droplets of morning dew.
Glittering like small diamonds everywhere.
As if in the island of treasure!

Listening to melodies,
Melodies of the spring birds!
Trees, bushes and roses
Blossoming all over!
As though in the wonderland park!
A place of dreams!


Insanely I think,
“Only if it were possible,
To ridiculously
Rewind time universe.
In the imagination sphere!”

For when the sun sets,
My heart freezes in sadness.
My body shrinks in loneliness.
While recalling,
The beauty of daytime,
That is fading yet into another time factor;

All there is around;
And the irritating sound of mosquitoes
Wanting to feed,
On our running blood
On our veins!
By sucking, leaving our bodies
With rush from their bites!
Sadness sinking in my heart!
How I miss daylight,
To see the beauty of nature!


Insanely I think,
“Only if it were possible,
To ridiculously
Rewind time universe.
In the imagination sphere!”

Where will I find joy?
The happiness daylight brings
To my heart?
All over, darkness has taken place.
Since the time factor
Says yes to it!

A thought crosses my mind.
Just maybe,
I’ll find something to confide in!
Abruptly, there, up in the sky.
Some small lights
Start to show up
In their own turns.
Once again,
My heart melts in happiness!

When the sun sets!
Now the darkness is diluted
By the bright shining stars!
Beautifying the firmament
Hand in hand
With the moon!

Now, I can finally sleep in peace.
The environment is
With the beauty of NATURE!
Even though the sun has finally set!!

*********end **********
By MarenyaneMokhethi
Copyrights 2017 October 27th


Life, a gift so wonderful

  And so beautiful.

A gift that passes

All kinds of gifts

 A person can ask for.

Life, a tremendous, spontaneous and

An ongoing journey.

As life goes on,

 We become stronger.

We are strengthened by

Circumstances and

Predicaments we stumble across

In this long journey called Life.

As life goes on,

We become wiser.

Our eyes begin to see

Things in a different


As life goes on,

Lovers turn their backs

      On each other.

Friends stab each other

       In the back.

 People become traitors;

They unleash secrets

Breaking promises.

That! Makes us wiser.

Because life is a mystery

Full of ups and downs.

As life goes on,

Sunrises become sunsets,

Mornings become evenings,

 Life goes on!

Yeah! Life, a continuous journey;

A journey full of joy,

A journey full of triumph,

A journey full of sorrows,

A journey full of sadness!

That’s how life goes on!

In times of great joy and triumph,

Many people surround you.

All in the name of “friendship.”

But as troubles crawl into

       Your life,

One by one they go,

Until only true friends are left.

For a friend indeed is a

     Friend in need!

That my friend is life!

That’s how it goes.

Learn to adapt as life

Throws storms at you,

Overcome them,

 Have Patience,

Be a God seeking man,

Because, that is how life goes on!

Each sunrise is a gift,

Cherish it while you still can.

Life goes on.

Each day is a new beginning;

A beginning to rectify

What you did wrong.

   As life goes on,

     Know that

Every day is a chance for you to learn.

Learn by your mistakes.

As life goes on,

Be mentally wiser,

Become an everyday learner.

Learn to always be adaptive.

When troubles come your way,

All you got to do is

Open your eyes to see clearly.

Let your ears to hear

What seemed difficult to hear!

Let your conscience to direct you.

For it is a gift God granted to us,

To always be there for us.

An eternal, everlasting, and loyal friend.

As life goes on.

Be pessimistic, never give up,

For patience breeds success.