Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lesotho's Education in Turmoil

Nine years ago, we had to sit for final examinations with an unfinished syllabus. The reason being there were too much sporting activities in my school that year. As a result, we had to wait for the ones who were participating in the sports; we were not taught! The time for examinations came, that's when fear struck most of the learners. We had to learn a certain topic in the science subject by ourselves as students! You can just imagine the pressure, the stress and the pain we experienced!

By the way, that's my high school experience. So...what I'm trying to say is...I think the final year students of 2019 are going to go through the same experience. Even though it won't be due to sports but due to TEACHERS STRIKE! Underline that! Yes, Lesotho is just one cursed country in terms of loyalty, honesty and accountability!

It's been a month now since the students had to go home because of the teachers riots! Imagine, as a student, you go to school for a week, then the following 3 weeks you stay at home, it goes on and on again! But on the other hand the parents are paying school fees! Where in the hell have you ever heard of such a waste of time for the students!

Why aren't teachers attending classes?

I'm sure as a reader, you are wondering why Lesotho teachers aren't attending classes. They had to strike due to several issues; they wanted 8% increase in their salaries which the government refused to give to them. They were fighting for many other reasonable issues! But all in all, the government of Lesotho is so selfish that I can't even compare it to anything on earth!  I am saying this because they refuse to give teachers what's due to them, yet here they are earning high wages and salaries, on top of that, they increased theirs (parliament members) even though some of them didn't even go as far as grade 12 or form E.

As a result of their selfishness, the students are suffering because teachers were striking about reasonable things. I will Say this again cursed are the Sotho nationals indeed to be led by such selfish government! Its alleged that this year the students are not going to sit for their final examinations, but I will investigate it then give you a full report my beautiful audience. Until next time, stay blessed!

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