Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lesotho government has gone rogue..

Nowadays we see many shocking things, people dying because of dishonesty, people destroying other people's lives.. In many different forms. Today I want to talk about the government of Lesotho.

Our government has gone rogue. There are allegations that somehow salaries of the members of the parliament are going to increased. As a person, you wonder if these people are mad or just too blind. Salaries earned by the parliamentary members are already high, yet they want to increase them even more higher to M70 000 per month.

What surprises me is the fact that there are many unemployed youths in Lesotho, yet here we are hearing of stories where parliamentary members just want to raise their salaries.
I want to throw this question out there for anyone to answer; " what exactly is difficult to do in the parliament for people who earn more than 30k to want an increase in their salaries?"

Instead of giving a 100% salary increase to teachers and nurses or doctors and other hardworking people, a high increase is given to people who just don't do much. Teachers who teach people to read and write. People looking after our health,I am talking about doctors and nurses, instead of giving them a raise in their salaries, the raise is to be given to people who do nothing! Yes, people who do nothing because they promise the nation heaven and earth so that they can be in the parliament. After getting what they want, they fail to improve many rural areas, all what we get as the nation is empty promises! I am deadly disappointed in our government indeed!

Apart from the above mentioned issues, there's high unemployment rate in our country. There is nothing that is being done to reduce this high unemployment rate. Many relationships and relations have broken because as the youth, we have no jobs. We are struggling for survival but here we are, our government wants to raise the salaries of the members of the parliament. As an unemployed youth, I am very angry about this, how about you out there? Tell us what you think by commenting on this post.

From our team here at MJ Bulletins..ciao!

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