Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Life, a gift so wonderful

  And so beautiful.

A gift that passes

All kinds of gifts

 A person can ask for.

Life, a tremendous, spontaneous and

An ongoing journey.

As life goes on,

 We become stronger.

We are strengthened by

Circumstances and

Predicaments we stumble across

In this long journey called Life.

As life goes on,

We become wiser.

Our eyes begin to see

Things in a different


As life goes on,

Lovers turn their backs

      On each other.

Friends stab each other

       In the back.

 People become traitors;

They unleash secrets

Breaking promises.

That! Makes us wiser.

Because life is a mystery

Full of ups and downs.

As life goes on,

Sunrises become sunsets,

Mornings become evenings,

 Life goes on!

Yeah! Life, a continuous journey;

A journey full of joy,

A journey full of triumph,

A journey full of sorrows,

A journey full of sadness!

That’s how life goes on!

In times of great joy and triumph,

Many people surround you.

All in the name of “friendship.”

But as troubles crawl into

       Your life,

One by one they go,

Until only true friends are left.

For a friend indeed is a

     Friend in need!

That my friend is life!

That’s how it goes.

Learn to adapt as life

Throws storms at you,

Overcome them,

 Have Patience,

Be a God seeking man,

Because, that is how life goes on!

Each sunrise is a gift,

Cherish it while you still can.

Life goes on.

Each day is a new beginning;

A beginning to rectify

What you did wrong.

   As life goes on,

     Know that

Every day is a chance for you to learn.

Learn by your mistakes.

As life goes on,

Be mentally wiser,

Become an everyday learner.

Learn to always be adaptive.

When troubles come your way,

All you got to do is

Open your eyes to see clearly.

Let your ears to hear

What seemed difficult to hear!

Let your conscience to direct you.

For it is a gift God granted to us,

To always be there for us.

An eternal, everlasting, and loyal friend.

As life goes on.

Be pessimistic, never give up,

For patience breeds success.


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