Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Desires of My Heart

Often times,we see many people experiencing mental breakdown due to whatever challenges they stumble upon in life. So with this poem, I would like to make them aware that,they are not the only ones who go through such harsh circumstances. I hope it will touch many people who will read it.

The desires of my heart

Do unto others as you wish
They do unto you.
Thus runs an old adage.
That was and still
The desire of my heart.

My heart longed for peace,
Harmony and stability.
But all I received was disappointment.
I longed for love.
Lots of love I showered unto others.
Yet betrayal I received as my prize.
How unfair this world can be.

My soul thirst for righteousness;
Way back, decades ago,
Did I start my journey.
A journey of living an exemplary life.
A life where one cares for others.
A life where one helps others.
A life where a person shows
Compassion unto others.
Those were the desires of my heart!

In my to do-list, compassion, love, care and
Honesty were my aims.
Back in my mind,
A song of compassion would come
Out of my mouth,
Whenever my lips parted,
Voicing out my meditations.

But today, here I am,
Fighting a losing battle;
My mind playing tricks on me,
"All your good intentions,
Your awesome desires,
All carried out.
Yet no progress of tangible fruits
From your hard labour of months


Perplexed, and worried,
I ask myself
Shouldn't our good desired
Which have been carried out
Bring us a good luck?
For an adage runs thus
Do unto others as you wish
They do unto you!

The desires of my heart
Seem to be diminishing,
Due to the hatred, jealousy,
Rejection and agony
Of this world.

Oh Lord, let my good desires
To flow just like the spring water!
Let them conquer any challenge.
For good desires can change
A world into a better place.
For my spirit longs to see
Action plan of the the desires of my heart.
Since the heart wants what it desires for...!!!

By Marenyane Mokhethi
Copyrights 21 November 2018
At Cana

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