Wednesday, November 14, 2018


As the last sunrays
Say goodbye,
To the world.
Giving yet another chance,
For the stars and moon,
To take charge
To give light to the world.


Insanely I think,
“Only if it were possible,
To ridiculously
Rewind time universe.
In the imagination sphere!”

That beautiful, glamorous
Sunrise onset.
In the warm, rainy summer season.
The morning breeze of the warm,
African sky, a humid sky!

I would rewind time universe.
Just to have that beautiful scenery;
The morning mist hovering
On the mountain peaks.
Just a few miles,
Above the river banks!
All this beauty,
Triggers my mind to ridicule;
To wish the sun
Should never set!

Looking down, and around,
In the nearby environment and surroundings.
All over the place,
All I see…..
The shimmering droplets of morning dew.
Glittering like small diamonds everywhere.
As if in the island of treasure!

Listening to melodies,
Melodies of the spring birds!
Trees, bushes and roses
Blossoming all over!
As though in the wonderland park!
A place of dreams!


Insanely I think,
“Only if it were possible,
To ridiculously
Rewind time universe.
In the imagination sphere!”

For when the sun sets,
My heart freezes in sadness.
My body shrinks in loneliness.
While recalling,
The beauty of daytime,
That is fading yet into another time factor;

All there is around;
And the irritating sound of mosquitoes
Wanting to feed,
On our running blood
On our veins!
By sucking, leaving our bodies
With rush from their bites!
Sadness sinking in my heart!
How I miss daylight,
To see the beauty of nature!


Insanely I think,
“Only if it were possible,
To ridiculously
Rewind time universe.
In the imagination sphere!”

Where will I find joy?
The happiness daylight brings
To my heart?
All over, darkness has taken place.
Since the time factor
Says yes to it!

A thought crosses my mind.
Just maybe,
I’ll find something to confide in!
Abruptly, there, up in the sky.
Some small lights
Start to show up
In their own turns.
Once again,
My heart melts in happiness!

When the sun sets!
Now the darkness is diluted
By the bright shining stars!
Beautifying the firmament
Hand in hand
With the moon!

Now, I can finally sleep in peace.
The environment is
With the beauty of NATURE!
Even though the sun has finally set!!

*********end **********
By MarenyaneMokhethi
Copyrights 2017 October 27th

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