Wednesday, November 14, 2018


What an awful way to say
“You’re meaningless to me!”
That you don’t matter to me!

What a poetic word.
How melodic is your pronunciation,
Yet pain and suffering lie in you
Melodic word!

In dire straits,
I sought for you friend.
 But you denied me.
You looked down on me.
In a way that says
“How can I relate to a filthy
Person like you? ”

That my fried,
Hurt like hell.
While recalling how good I had been
Towards you!
Tons of messages I sent you,
So many times.
Yet I haven’t got your response.

Because of you,
My confidence is gone.
Each time I was denied,
Each day I got mocked,
Time and again,
Feeling all alone.
My self-esteem was slowly
Fading away!
Leaving me helpless.
Feeling like the whole world
Has turned against me.
That’s how you make me feel rejection.

Family had I called you to be,
Friend had I imagined you to be,
A colleague had I thought you to be.
Not knowing you would
Turn your back on me.
In time of need,
You became a hater,
A rejecter!

‘Crazy’ I would have called,
Anyone saying you’d be a hater.
But I know better now.
That a world is full of haters.
That success  changes people;
They become haters and rejecters.
For rejection rules a heart
Of a hypocrite.

How sore my heart aches.
For you rejected me.
For you showed me
Your true colors;
Rejection runs in your veins.
That you are not worthy to be trusted.
That power of success and money
Turned you into a rejecter.
Oh my friend,
Stay with your rejection!
For my life journey is still long
Ahead of me.
For you denied me and rejected me.

******the end*****

By Marenyane Mokhethi
Copyrights 31 August 2018
At Cana

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