Saturday, December 22, 2018

How to cure stroke, hearing loss, and eye disorder

Yee Ginkgo tablets

Stroke has been a nuisance of a disease, it ruins the facial looks of a person. Not only stroke is a problematic desease, but eye disorder can be a huge problem. Imagine if you use eye glasses to aid your sight. Let's say you forget them at home,then you ought to read, heeeey this will be a biiig problem. Anyway I'm not here to run my tongue.. I'm going to talk about a very powerful product; yes ginkgo.


Widely recognized by medical circles for its ability to increase blood circulation as well as removing blood stasis. It contains flavonoids that may prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of blood vessels) and improve blood circulation.

As a powerful antioxidant herb, it is best known for its ability to enhance circulation, to squeeze through the narrowest blood vessels and to increase the supply of oxygen to the heart and brain.


Gingko Leaf Extract ( GLE), Flavor fly codices, Terpene Lactones.


These tablets help to ease and cure the below stared diseases.

  • Cerebral Insufficiency
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Stroke 
  • Intermittent Claudication
  • Male Impotence
  • Eye disorder
  • Hearing loss
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes


  • Adults: 2 tablets twice a day
  • Children 4-12 years: 1 tablet daily.

Cost price:

  • Yee ginkgo tablet 30's : 173 ZAR or M173
  • Yes ginkgo tablet 90's : 436 ZAR or M436

Contact Marenyane Mokhethi for this powerful product here: 56519869 (whatsapp) 68994141 for calls. I'm in Berea Lesotho (+266) 

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