Friday, July 19, 2019

Interview with Adoniz, a Christian Hip-hop Artist

Ladies and gentlemen, I greet you all members of MJ Bulletins. It has been a while since I posted, today I am going to give you an interview with one of Lesotho’s hip-hop artists. But this one sings a special kind of hip-hop; Christian hip-hop.

Interview with Adoniz, a Christian Hip-hop Artist

1.    Tell me about yourself, who is Adonis? Where were you born? How old are you?

Adoniz A.K.A Tjobolo Nonyane. I was born in 1989 at Ha-Mosoeunyane, Teyateyaneng in Berea Lesotho. I am a husband and a father of a son.

2.    What inspired you to be a singer?

Well, it grew up with me but mostly inspired by the latesotho (Sesotho music that is played by an accordion)” genre artist; Famole, he is from Matelile Mafeteng district in Lesotho. That’s for those who don’t know where he is from.

3.    When did you discover your talent in music?

You are not going to believe what I’m about to say, I used to go to church. Then one Sunday my pastor prophesied “when are you releasing a music album?” I froze and became jubilant at the same time. After some time I realized the real ‘me’ in myself; my talent started to show off.

4.    From what I discovered, you are a Christian rap artist, why did you go for this type of genre in hip-hop?

Christian hip-hop is my story, life and testimony too.  Hey bro, in hip-hop industry many live a lie so I learnt that being real gives you revelation of being unique. Thus giving a living message to the youths and folks, this more crucial than destructing them. I think that’s the reason why I chose to go for a Christian hip-hop

5.    The lyrics for your songs are touching, are you the one who write them or somebody does it for you? If you do write them yourself, what forces you to write them? Give a meaning behind one of your songs.

If you still remember a song “Ts’oarelo (meaning forgiveness in English),” I wrote it as a result of growing up with those relatives who had hatred that affected us with boring fruits. I think this is one example of meaning behind my songs. “11 hour” – As a Christian I have been affected or let me say…. I felt pain and joy as life progressed. By so saying I imply that I am not perfect but I am a man who is trying as well as do things in Jesus name!

6.    How many songs have you written this far?

I wrote tons of them and it is a pity that some of my lyrics got lost but I am still jotting down some more lyrics. Every time I keep the ball rolling!

7.    Which artist have you worked with so far?

I worked with various artists bro locally and one artist from Swaziland; Samu. I also worked with Clockwise records, worked with Mr. T. and Genius works.

8.    Let me get this straight, you said you once collaborated with a Swazi artist, is he/she a hip-hop artist? Where did you too meet? Was it in your songs where you worked together?

Samu (female) is a gospel singer. We met in Kwazulu Natal while busy promoting my album. We exchanged contacts and spared details with each other. I saw an opportunity to do collaboration with her and that is how everything went down. We collaborated in a song called “Uthando luka Krest” in Ts’oarelo album.

9.    The music industry is volatile, there are so many challenges, and could you please tell what challenges have you faced? How did you overcome them?

People who I thought were going to buy my art just stole it. I use money to record hoping to get more; in fact, I do give a best delivery so that I can make something from my music. I mean it wouldn’t hurt earning something from my hard work. But instead of that, I get robbed! Another challenge is that of ‘convincing a customer that I’m the one who is behind that mixed tape or recording.’ People be like “haibo…ska bapalla ho rona (quit playing),” this means it is not easy to make people believe in you as a person.

10. How does it feel like to be doing something you like?

I feel like oh yeah…maybe it is a paradise but restrictions don’t allow me to live in it. I spend most of the time doing what I must to keep doing what I love.

11. How the community does treat you out there?

The community especially the youths in church realized their brother in the Lord. Even our local radio station in Teyateyaneng invited me twice to their broadcast. All in all, I can say people do love my art!

12. Let’s talk about the relationship part, is there any special lady in your life at the moment? I’m sure ladies are all over you?

In this case my prayer has been answered; I am blessed. Anyways, I am not sure about those girls who may thought of trying….laughs (ahahahah…) oh I am bluffing!

13. So far how have you been promoting your music? Do you do live performances or what? Where do you record your music, who is your producer?

In our country performances are very rare, even attendance to some who actually make it through is scarce. As a result of this, I promote my art via radios and local TV even though the time slot is too limited.

14. Name one or two artists you would like to be like them.

Adoniz and Adoniz…ahahaha…. Let me say Bizzle the owner of God Over Money label.

15. Anyway, besides music what do you do?

I go dirty to hustle for my family. Meaning I am hustling, nothing more.

16. What is an overall message behind your album?

Bought By Blood (the name of my album) is giving us freedom from slavery. Chains have been broken in the name of Jesus Christ circled by the realest!

17. What is the message to the want-be artists out there? Give them an inspiration please.

Love God, love yourself and people. Hustle and have faith along or within you through out!

18. Who would you like to thank in your life and why is that?

I appreciate all love and support to my one and only, my fiancé. Brothers and sisters who purchased my CDs... I say thanks in abundance!

19. In your free time what is it that you like doing?

In my free mode time I write songs and I want to be an actor sometime.

20. Now that your album has been released, where can we find it to make a purchase? Is it available in the music stores in the country?

I do sell my music to those who need it not those who just want because I learnt that I am still impacting a small portion of music crowd. If you need my CD, just hala (contact me)…me via my contacts which are on my music cover.

I think we all learned the journey of this bright Sotho guy, so…the question is what are we going to do about it? In my opinion, I say let us all give him support by buying his CD. Not only him, but all those people out there, I am referring to those who are busy hustling vocally and instrumentally. These are the talents which the Almighty God gave people, so let’s help people reach their dreams.

From the admin at MJ Bulletins, Cia!

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