Thursday, April 25, 2019

For The Love of Gospel Music

I never thought I'd ever enjoy R&B gospel..but Zoe Grace does it for me..these two girls are just so awesome, they know what they are doing. In fact, I am so sure that many people out there feel the same way about them. Music just eases the pain one feels. Not only is that, but it can also work in terms of counselling psychologically. Just download music from Zoe Grace, you will be blessed! Below is an article about their biography from their website.


INTRODUCTIONZoe & Grace Kimvuidi are English artists aged 17, twins born on the 17th Of October 1999. They were born and raised in South West London and they perform as a Pop / Gospel duo under the name ‘Zoe Grace’. Their name ‘Zoe Grace’ which means Life / Grace represents the Life that we get through the Grace of Jesus Christ. Zoe Grace were raised in a Christian home and have ever since embraced & held on to their Christian Faith.MUSICAL JOURNEYTheir musical journey started at age 11, after their first ever public performance at their local church in London, Enfield. In their own words: “We were so scared to sing because we had never sang in front of people but after our first performance, we wanted to do it again and again, That was the start of our musical journey.” Zoe Grace then latter met London Based Artist, Songwriter & Producer Simba, who then started mentoring, producing & writing for the girls after watching them sing at their local church and they have ever since worked on music together. “Simba was friends with our older sister Keena, and she put us in touch with him after he showed interest in working with us.” He also wrote and produced their first E.P ‘I Will Stay’
Zoe Grace have a growing international fanbase that kicked off after they started posting cover videos on social media platforms such as instagram, facebook & twitter. Zoe Grace’s fan base grew tremendously from people reposting and sharing their acapella videos on social media & they’ve also had support from a few big names such as Erica Campbell, Briana Babineaux, Taraji P Henson & John Boyega
At age 16, they later got signed to JS Records / Proudmonkey Entertainment (a London based independent record label) in early 2015. They have ever since released one 5 track E.P in early July 2016 called "I Will Stay". Zoe Grace have also been working on their first debut album for the past two years which is due for release early 2017. “We love the album and we can’t wait to share it with everyone! We’ve worked so hard on it and it will definitely be the best music you’ve ever heard from us.” Zoe Grace are currently in college doing their A-Levels juggling music and school: “It’s difficult doing both but we have an amazing team and we’ve managed to arrange things well with our Label. They have been very supportive and understanding & as for the album, we normally just have to turn up to the studio, maybe chuck a few ideas and sing but otherwise the label already has the songs fully written and produced for us. Due to school, we’re unable able to be as involved as we would want to be during the creative process but we’ll be finishing college soon and we’ll have all the time to focus on music & hopefully we’ll get to start writing and producing our own songs by the time we release our second album.” Zoe Grace are currently studying music in college, amongst other subjectsPURPOSE“Our purpose is to bring people to Christ through the talents and ministry that God gave us. We are grateful to God and to everyone that has helped put us in this position and we do not take the platform that we have for granted. We want to show everyone (especially the young people our age) that it’s fine to be an unashamed Christian and shouldn’t be peer pressured into following what everyone else is doing. We know the pressure young people experience from seeing what the media portrays as “Successful” and we want to prove that you can use your gift to it’s maximum potential within your christian faith & morals. We also wanna take away the margins we’ve set and the general perception of what Christian music should look of sound like. Anyone should be able to praise God regardless of their cultural background and musical taste. Above all, our message to the world is simple; There’s a man called Jesus Christ that died for you, loves you and cares about your wellbeing and he would like to have a personal relationship with you.”

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