Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Contains the most potent anti-oxidant, which is known as the enemy of free radicals. It is able to inhibit harmful effects of free radicals on the body and effectively protect the skin, leaving it fair and delicate.

Grape seed extract is one of the most potent antioxidants found in nature. Grape seed extract contains a special class of water-soluble bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins. These compounds help fight free radicals, the loose oxygen particles that can damage cells.

·         Grape seeds extract
·         Content of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC)  is more than 95% - The best antioxidant agent.
·         Effect of grape seed’s antioxidant is 20 times better than vitamin C, 50 times better than vitamin E.

ü  Strong antioxidant properties.
ü  Antimutagenic
ü  Improves the biochemical properties of blood vessels.
ü  Anti-ageing.
ü  Strengthens collagen to help improve the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.
ü  Heals wounds and diminishes scars
ü  Relieves dry skin
ü  Neutralizes free radicals
ü  Prevents risk of cancer.
ü  Prevents and relieves allergies.
ü  Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
ü  Prevents vascular and cerebral accidents such as to stroke and heart attacks.
ü  Improves circulation and helps reduce excessive blood sugar.
ü  Prevents stress and reduces fatigue.
ü  Prevents arthritis, phlebitis and varicose veins.
ü  Prevents liver and kidney diseases.

Ø  Consume 2 tablets, twice a day.
Ø  Before meals

v  Yee Yang Yen tablets 30’s 208 ZAR or M208.00
v  Yee Yang Yen tablet 90’s 481 ZAR or M481.00

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